Release blockages and tension through acupressure
Balance in the body
Everything flows: The Greek philosopher Heraclitus said this 2500 years ago. Only when everything within us is in motion and we are “flowing along” we really live.
Inner blockages occur due to many different circumstances. The flow and flowing come to a standstill.
Disease patterns and complaints are usually the result. Is is up to each individual to ensure that they remain in constant inner flow. “Take preventative measures” is the moto of our time.
The Kurland® energy point massage is a preventative tretment with a guaranteed feel-good experience.
Energy point massage – what exactly is it?
Energy point massage is based on Japanese healing currents and activates various energy points on the body. Using gentle strokes and acupressure, the practitioner massages the energy points to release blockages and tension and stimulate the flow of energy. The balance in the body is restored. Valuable support is provided by a range of massage oils, essential aromatic oils and special fragrances that appeal to the limbic system.
Effects of the energy point massage and for whom it is suitable
For those who feel tired, burned out and exhausted, energy point massage can achieve recovery. It stimulates the energy flow, releases blockages and tensions and has a balancing, harmonizing effect and strengthens the immune system.
The teaching of healing currents
Healing currents, as applied in this tretment are based on the experience gained with the teachings of Jin Shin Jyutsu. Enriching aspects from Touch for Health, Jin Shin Do, Reiki, Acupuncture and Foot reflexology have been incorporated. The knowledge of this ancient healing art has parallels in the traditions of many peoples.
We are honoured and delighted to be able to offer treatments that are unique and truly effective, drawn from ancient traditions from around the world. We invite you to discover for yourself the beauty and content of these ancient civilisations at West 65 Wellnes & Spa.
Author: Jelena Janković, Head Therapist at West 65 Wellness & Spa
Masaža energetskih tačaka – Kurland®
Oslobodite blokade i napetost pomoću akupresure
Ravnoteža u telu
“Sve teče”!
Ovo je rekao grčki filozof Heraklit pre 2500 godina. Samo kada je sve u nama u pokretu i „tečemo“ mi zaista živimo. Unutrašnje blokade nastaju usled mnogo različitih okolnosti. Protok i kretanje se zaustavljaju. Obrasci bolesti i tegobe su obično rezultat. Na svakom pojedincu je da obezbedi da uvek bude u tom stalnom unutrašnjem toku. „Bolje sprečiti nego lečiti” tj. prevencija, je moto našeg vremena.
Masaža energetskih tačaka – Kurland® je preventivni tretman sa zagarantovanim dobrim iskustvom.
Masaža energetskih tačaka – šta je to tačno?
Masaža energetskih tačaka zasnovana je na japanskim lekovitim strujama i aktivira različite energetske tačke na telu. Koristeći nežne poteze i akupresuru, praktičar masira energetske tačke kako bi oslobodio blokade i napetost i stimulisao protok energije. Ravnoteža tela je obnovljena. Vrednu podršku pruža niz ulja za masažu, eterična aromatična ulja i posebni mirisi koji utiču limbički sistem.
Efekti masaže energetskih tačaka i kome je namenjena
Za one koji se osećaju umorno, izgorelo i iscrpljeno, masaža energetskih tačaka može dovesti do oporavka. Stimuliše protok energije, oslobađa blokade i napetosti, balansira, harmonizuje i jača imuni sistem.
Učenja o lekovitim strujama
Struje isceljenja, koje se koriste u ovom tretmanu, zasnovane su na iskustvu učenja Jin Shin Jiutsu.
Uključeni su obogaćujući aspekti iz “Touch for Health”, “Jin Shin Do”, Reikija, Akupunkture i Refleksologije stopala.
Poznavanje ove drevne veštine lečenja ima paralele u tradicijama mnogih naroda.
Čast nam je i zadovoljstvo da u ponudi imamo tretmane koji su jedinstveni i koji imaju stvaran efekat, a koji potiču iz drevnih tradicija širom sveta. Pozivamo vas da se i sami uverite u lepotu i sadžaj ovih drevnih civilizacija u našem West 65 Wellness & Spa Centru.
Autor: Jelena Janković, glavni terapeut