
How To Build Your Own Skincare Routine

Let’s face it, creating your own skincare routine can seem daunting, given the variety of serums, essences, masks, and treatments available. We’ll walk you through the steps of building your own skincare routine, the best order of skincare products, and how to make the right choices for your skin. Keep in mind roughly what skin type you are and an understanding of your skin’s needs to guide you.

The daily regime our skin goes through is a lot, wearing makeup, applying SPF, touching our face, pollution and so many other factors. Our most important tip is sticking to a consistent regular routine to help your skin feel supported, repair any damage and keep it looking and feeling healthy and fresh.

Our skin cycles* can last anywhere from 2 to 6 weeks, and as a rule of thumb, we recommend trying a 28-day cycle to fully road test any new product you’re adding to your skincare routine. As always, if you experience any irritation or discomfort from using a new product, discontinue use immediately.

Illustration of young skin layers and components

Young skin

*The Skin Cycle

At the heart of our skin’s renewal lies a well-orchestrated process known as the “skin cycle.” This cycle governs the life of our skin cells, from their birth to their eventual replacement. On average, the skin cycle lasts approximately 28 days, though it may vary slightly depending on age, genetics, and overall health.

Author: Jelena Janković, Head Therapist at West 65 Wellness & Spa

Source: templespa.com

Kako da izgradite sopstvenu rutinu u nezi kože

Suočimo se s tim, stvaranje sopstvene rutine za negu kože može izgledati kao zastrašujući zadatak sa raznovrsnim serumima, esencijama, maskama i tretmanima na tržištu. Provešćemo vas kroz korake izgradnje sopstvene rutine za negu kože, najboljeg redosleda proizvoda za negu kože i kako da napravite pravi izbor za svoju kožu. Imajte na umu otprilike kakav ste tip kože i razumevanje potreba vaše kože koje će vas voditi kroz to.

Dnevni režim kroz koji prolazi naša koža ispunjen je mnogim aktivnostima, šminkanje, nanošenje SPF-a, dodirivanje lica, zagađenje i mnogi drugi faktori. Naš najvažniji savet je da se držite dosledne redovne rutine kako biste pomogli vašoj koži da se oseća negovano, da popravi sve nedostatke i da izgleda zdravo i sveže.

Ciklusi kože* mogu trajati od 2 do 6 nedelja i kao pravilo preporučujemo da isprobate ciklus od 28 dana kako biste u potpunosti testirali svaki novi proizvod koji dodajete u svoju rutinu nege kože. Kao i uvek, ako osetite bilo kakvu iritaciju ili nelagodnost kod upotrebe novog proizvoda, odmah prekinite sa upotrebom.

Illustration showing layers and components of aged skin

Starija koža

*Ciklus kože

U srcu obnove naše kože leži dobro orkestriran proces poznat kao „ciklus kože“. Ovaj ciklus upravlja životom naših ćelija kože, od njihovog rođenja do njihove eventualne zamene. U proseku, ciklus kože traje otprilike 28 dana, iako može malo da varira u zavisnosti od starosti, genetike i ukupnog zdravlja.

Autor: Jelena Janković, glavni terapeut

Izvor: templespa.com


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