
KURLAND – your expert for wellness, healthiness and care

Our mission is to develop programs and products that help people achieve greater health, well-being, beauty and joie de vivre in a natural way.

Our products incorporate more than 50 years of experience, the innovative power of our development department, and the power of nature. This makes them unique and effective – from the hand cream to the multifunctional steam bath. Our love for nature is also reflected in a particularly respectful approach to natural resources.

It is a great honor and pleasure to have the opportunity to use the most beautiful and precious things that nature has given us in our oasis of peace and relaxation, to live and breathe in harmony with the vibration that is and has always been a part of us.

KURLAND’s treatments from regions all over the World

Swedish massage …. The art of touching (Sweden)

The term classical massage refers to a mechanical, mostly manual influence on the skin, the deeper-lying tissue (connective tissue) and the muscles through stretching, pulling and pressure stimuli. Today, classical massage is also often called Swedish massage.

Hot Stone massage …. With warm basalt and cold marble stones (North America)

The massage of the body with warm basalt and cold marble stones is a long-standing tradition. As early as 2000 BC, this technique was used to have a positive effect on the body and to relieve tension in the muscles. Because of the intense heat, the stones penetrate through the skin into deeper layers of tissue into the muscles and connective tissue. This increases the elasticity of tendons and connective tissue as well as the mobility of joints and dilates blood vessels.

Energy Point massage …. Aroma oil massage for a better balance (Japan)

Energy point massage is based on the Japanese healing flow and activates various energy points in the body. Using gentle strokes and acupressure, the practitioner massages the energy points to relieve blockages and tensions and to stimulate the flow of energy. A range of herbal massage oils, essential oils and special fragrances that address the limbic system provide valuable support.

Foot Reflexology …. Activate the self-healing powers of the body (Kina)

Foot reflexology stems from Far Eastern traditions, such as the well-known Thai massage or Chinese Tuina. It is based on the assumption that every organ, muscle and bone in our body interacts with our feet via reflex pathways. According to this, the various reflex zones on the soles of the feet are assigned to specific areas of our body. Similarly to acupressure, foot reflexology involves applying pressure to the appropriate reflex zones of the foot. The aim is to activate the self-healing power of the body and provide general well-being.

Ayurveda massage …. The Indian healing art (India)

The Indian healing art Ayurveda follows a holistic approach. The massage serves the inner balance and physical well-being. Every human being consists of an interplay of three different life energies, the doshas.

Lomi Lomi massage … The queen among massages (Hawaii)

Lomi Lomi or Lomi Lomi Nui is a holistic Hawaiian massage technique. While the traditional Lomi Lomi massage is a combination of spiritual practice, dance, massage and healing body therapy, in this part of the World it is rather a wellness treatment.

It is derived from the traditional Hawaiian art of healing, and it claims to be a treatment of both, body and soul. It relieves not only muscle tension or back pain but also internal blockages. Usually, the Lomi Lomi massage takes place on an oiled table. The therapist massages using their hands and forearms, with different dynamics and intensity of pressure. The guest has the impression of a soft, flowing, supple and powerful treatment at the same time.

We chose Kurland because it respects all of the above and offers treatments that are unique and unusual, and that can only be experienced at West 65 Wellness and Spa.

Quality, effectiveness, relaxation, therapy, letting go of what is not serving us… returning to our true nature. Our members and Spa visitors have the privilege of experiencing all the mentioned treatments as the Kurland brand is exclusively available at the West 65 Wellness and Spa Club.

Author: Jelena Janković, Head Therapist at West 65 Wellness & Spa

Source: https://www.kurlandspas.com/

KURLAND – ekspert u blagostanju, zdravlju i nezi

Naša misija je da razvijemo programe i proizvode koji pomažu ljudima da na prirodan način postignu bolje zdravlje, blagostanje, lepotu i „joie de vivre“ (radost življenja).

Više od 50 godina iskustva, inovativna snaga našeg sopstvenog razvojnog odeljenja i snaga prirode ugrađeni su u naše proizvode. To ih čini tako jedinstvenim i efikasnim – od kreme za ruke do multifunkcionalnog parnog kupatila. Naša ljubav prema prirodi ogleda se i u posebno poštovanom pristupu prirodnim resursima.

KURLAND-ovi tretmani iz regiona širom sveta

Švedska masaža….Umetnost dodira (Švedska)

Pojam klasična masaža se odnosi na mehanički, uglavnom manuelni uticaj na kožu, dublje ležeće tkivo (vezivno tkivo) i mišiće putem stimulusa istezanja, povlačenja i pritiska. Danas se klasična masaža često naziva i švedska masaža.

Masaža vulkanskim kamenjem…. Sa toplim bazaltnim i hladnim mermernim kamenjem (Severna Amerika)

Masaža tela toplim bazaltnim i hladnim mermernim kamenjem ima dugogodišnju tradiciju. Već 2000. godine pre nove ere, ova tehnika je korišćena jer ima pozitivno dejstvo na telo i za ublažavanje napetosti u mišićima, zato što intenzivna toplota kamenja prodire kroz kožu u dublje slojeve tkiva, mišiće i vezivno tkivo. Ovo povećava elastičnost tetiva i vezivnog tkiva, kao i pokretljivost zglobova i širi krvne sudove.

Masaža energetskih tačaka …. Masaža aroma uljem za bolji balans (Japan)

Masaža energetskih tačaka zasniva se na japanskoj tradiciji gde se koriste isceljujući energetski tokovi (meredijani) i aktiviraju različite energetske tačke na telu. Koristeći nežne poteze i akupresuru, praktičar masira energetske tačke kako bi ublažio blokade i napetosti i stimulisao protok energije. Različita biljna ulja za masažu, eteričnia ulja i specijalni mirisi koji se bave limbičkim sistemom (upravlja našim emocijama) pružaju dragocenu podršku.

Refleksologija stopala…. Aktivirajte moći samoisceljenja tela (Kina)

Refleksologija stopala potiče iz dalekoistočnih tradicija, kao što su drevna tajlandska masaža ili kineska tuina. Zasnovana je na pretpostavci da svaki organ, mišić i kost u našem telu stupaju u interakciju sa našim stopalima putem refleksnih puteva. Prema tome, različite refleksne zone na tabanima su dodeljene određenim delovima našeg tela. Slično akupresuri, refleksologija stopala uključuje pritisak na odgovarajuće refleksne zone stopala. Cilj je da se aktiviraju moći samoisceljenja tela, ali i da se obezbedi opšte blagostanje.

Ajurvedska masaža… Indijska umetnost isceljenja (Indija)

Indijska umetnost lečenja Ajurveda prati holistički pristup. Masaža služi unutrašnjoj ravnoteži i fizičkom blagostanju. Svako ljudsko biće se sastoji od interakcije tri različite životne energije, doša.

Lomi Lomi masaža … Kraljica među masažama (Havaji)

Lomi Lomi ili Lomi Lomi Nui je holistička tehnika havajske masaže. Dok je tradicionalna Lomi Lomi masaža kombinacija duhovne prakse, plesa, masaže i terapije lečenja tela, u ovom delu sveta je pre velnes tretman.

Nastaje iz tradicionalne havajske umetnosti lečenja i smatra se da je tretman i tela i duše. Ublažava ne samo napetost mišića ili bolove u leđima, već i unutrašnje blokade. Obično se masaža Lomi Lomi odvija na nauljenom stolu. Terapeut masira šakama i podlakticama, različitom dinamikom i intenzitetom pritiska. Gost ima utisak mekog, glatkog, gipkog i snažnog tretmana u isto vreme.

Kvalitet, efektivnost, relaksacija, terapija, otpuštanje svega što nam ne koristi…vraćanje svojoj pravoj prirodi. Proizvodi Kurland brenda se ekskluzivno koriste u West 65 Wellness i Spa centru, kako za članove kluba tako i za posetioce Spa centra.

Autor: Jelena Janković, glavni terapeut

Izvor: https://www.kurlandspas.com/


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