
Science-led skincare, bathed in Mediterranean sunshine

The TempleSpa takes you on a journey of wellbeing and beauty in the atmosphere of the Mediterranean culture, healthy cuisine and breathtaking landscape.

Ingredients, colors, history and lifestyle of this splendid region strongly influenced the idea of making the brand which will have that beautiful scent, that delicate texture that will spread to all the receptors in each one of us who embark on this wonderful and relaxing journey with the first impression.

The Mediterranean blue-azure sea and sky inspires all our senses and instantly teleports us to another dimension, a timeless feeling where everything is in balance, and we feel safe, calm and enveloped in all those warm colors and healthy aromas.

A Mediterranean dream we never want to wake up from.

Encounter with TEMPLESPA

Whilst in the Mediterranean, uplifted by the CULTURE, healthy cuisine and stunning scenery, the idea for TEMPLESPA was born.  The brand is strongly influenced by the ingredients, COLOURS, history and lifestyle of this magnificent region.

The Mediterranean is all about relaxed balmy evenings, sun-drenched groves that produce fruits and plants; a visual landscape of BLUE–AZURE SEA & SKY, white and terracotta architecture and the grey-green of earthy vegetation.  These rich elements have provided the basis for both product formulae and packaging design.

With a lengthy lifespan and some of the lowest incidence of fatal diseases recorded anywhere, Mediterranean’s have become the study of medical and sociological institutes and universities all around the world.  

A diet that abounds in nutritional benefits along with a lifestyle that is a careful balance between WORK, REST AND PLAY has been attributed to this healthy existence. Our brand platform is built on this philosophy. Mediterranean people are warm, affectionate and passionate.  They have a particular RHYTHM AND STYLE. We like that a lot and it has inspired our language, vision, and dreams.

TEMPLESPA has a Mediterranean heart, and it beats through the entire brand.  The very word brings a smile and sense of bliss.  Close your eyes and you’ll see what we mean.

Indulge with the Mediterranean touch, feel it on your skin…

It’s a kind of fusion between ancient and modern. In creating each TEMPLESPA product we have carefully constructed every formula, combining the latest scientific developments with numerous natural botanicals whose history, reputation and use can be traced as far back as early biblical scriptures. We believe this gives optimum results. 

The body is able to receive up to 60% of what is topically applied tothe skin; therefore, we were inspired to use constituents that carry the same health and nutritional benefits as those you mightactually consume; so we’ve included an abundance of ingredients traditionally found in the fields and waters of the Mediterraneanand, naturally, we have sourced the best crops available. 

TEMPLESPA products and treatments will comprise of skin care, aromatherapy and travel. Everything has been created to promote a sense of balance and equilibrium.  With memorable, thought provoking names, each product is a character in its own way and right. The products are well defined, each having purpose and strong reason for being they are thoughtful, you will notice the detail. 

Featured product: The skin whisperer…. Be Quiet!    Soothing Milky Toner

Source: TempleSpa.com

Author: Jelena Janković, Head Therapist

Naukom vođena nega kože, okupana Mediteranskim suncem

TempleSpa vas vodi na putovanje blagostanja i lepote u atmosferi mediteranske kulture, zdrave kuhinje i pejzaža koji oduzima dah.

Sastojci, boje, istorija i stil života ovog sjajnog predela snažno su uticali na ideju da se napravi brend koji će imati taj prelep miris, tu delikatnu teksturu koja će se širiti na sve receptore u svakom od nas koji kreće na ovo divno i opuštajuće putovanje već sa prvim utiskom.

Mediteransko plavetnilo neba i mora, deluje inspirativno na sva naša čula i momentalno nas teleportuje u neku drugu dimenziju pružajući vanvremenski osećaj, gde je sve u balansu i gde se osećamo sigurno, smireno i ušuškano u svim tim toplim bojama i aromama zdravlja.

Mediteranski san iz kog ne želimo da se probudimo nikada.

Upoznajte  TEMPLESPA

Boraveći na Mediteranu, uzdignuti KULTUROM, zdravom kuhinjom i zadivljujućim pejzažima, rodila se ideja za TEMPLESPA.  Brend je inspirisan snažnim  uticajem sastojaka, BOJA, istorije i načina života ovog veličanstvenog regiona.

Mediteran asocira na opuštene blage večeri, suncem okupane šumarke koji rađaju voće i biljke; vizuelni pejzaž PLAVO-AZURNOG MORA I NEBA, bele i terakota arhitekture i sivo-zelene zemljane vegetacije.  Ovi bogati elementi dali su osnovu i za formule proizvoda i za dizajn ambalaže.

Sa dugim životnim vekom i jednom od najnižih učestalosti smrtonosnih bolesti zabeleženih, Mediteran je postao studija medicinskih i socioloških instituta i univerziteta širom sveta.  

Ovom zdravom postojanju pripisuje se ishrana koja obiluje nutritivnim prednostima zajedno sa načinom života koji predstavlja pažljivu ravnotežu između RADA, ODMORA I IGRE. Naša platforma brenda je izgrađena na ovoj filozofiji. Ljudi Mediterana su topli, privrženi i strastveni.  Imaju poseban RITAM I STIL. To nam se mnogo sviđa i inspirisalo je naš jezik, viziju i snove.

TEMPLESPA ima mediteransko srce i kuca kroz ceo brend.  Sama reč donosi osmeh i osećaj blaženstva.  Zatvorite oči i videćete na šta mislimo.

Prepustite s mediteranskom dodiru, osetite na svojoj koži…

To je vrsta spoja između drevnog i modernog. U stvaranju svakog proizvoda TEMPLESPA pažljivo smo konstruisali svaku formulu, kombinujući najnovija naučna dostignuća sa brojnim prirodnim botaničkim proizvodima čija istorija, reputacija i upotreba se mogu pratiti sve do ranih biblijskih spisa. Verujemo da ovo daje optimalne rezultate.

Telo je u stanju da primi do 60% onoga što se lokalno nanosi na kožu; stoga smo bili inspirisani da koristimo sastojke koji nose iste zdravstvene i nutritivne vrednosti kao i oni koje biste mogli da konzumirate; tako da smo uključili obilje sastojaka koji se tradicionalno nalaze u poljima i vodama Mediterana i, naravno, nabavili smo najbolje dostupne useve.

TEMPLESPA proizvodi i tretmani bi se sastojali od nege kože, aromaterapije i putovanja. Sve je stvoreno da promoviše osećaj ravnoteže.  Uz nezaboravna imena koja izazivaju razmišljanje, svaki proizvod je karakter na svoj način i pravo. Proizvodi su dobro definisani, svaki ima svrhu i jak razlog za postojanje; oni su promišljeni, primetićete detalje.

Proizvod: The skin whisperer….Be Quiet!    Umirujući tonik za čišćenje lica

Preuzeto sa: TempleSpa.com

Autor: Jelena Janković, glavni terapeut


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